Life Coaching

Are you feeling lost and wondering what you’re doing with your life?

  • Maybe your life is “fine” - there’s nothing wrong with it, in fact you’re actually pretty “put together” - but you’re feeling like something is missing and wondering if there’s more to life.

  • Maybe you’ve spent most of your life guided by others’ views on what you should do, and you realize now that you don’t know what you want for your life.

  • Maybe you’re curious about what’s possible, but have no idea where to start and the thought of failure terrifies you.

  • Maybe you’ve been distracting yourself with work and activities because the search for meaning feels too daunting.

Maybe you’re afraid of looking too deeply because you have too much to lose now.

I’ve been there. I can help.

My clients report many of the following outcomes:

  • Deeper understanding of themselves, who they are, and what is theirs to do in the world.

  • Clearer sense of purpose and direction, and greater alignment with their values.

  • Improved capacity to notice their own self-limiting beliefs and interrupt their self-defeating behaviors.

  • Increased self-confidence, self-awareness and self-compassion.

  • Decreased stress/anxiety and improved capacity to communicate and act from a centered presence.

  • More empowered and greater sense of agency.

  • Increased capacity for joy and creativity.

Thoreau famously said “most men lead lives of quiet desperation.” You don’t have to be one of them.

Step into your full power

Live the life you were always meant to live

I am an Experienced Coach and Practicing Lawyer

I believe every person deserves to live a life of joy, purpose and meaning. For too many people, our lives are often so busy that we don’t have time to pause and reflect on who we are, what kind of life we want to live, and what is ours to do in this world. Such deeper contemplation may seem like a luxury, but I would argue that we owe it to ourselves, our families and our society to explore what it is we’re meant to do with our lives.

I am an experienced coach and attorney based in Seattle with an expertise in supporting individuals searching for meaning. I offer 1-on-1 life coaching for individuals who are feeling lost and don’t know what to do next. I partner with each of my clients to design a personalized coaching program, providing guidance and structure to the client as they navigate their life circumstances and cultivating long-term excellence. My coaching is evidence-based, grounded in philosophy, psychology and neuroscience and my approach is compassionate, rigorous and practical.